
Understanding Unemployment Insurance Coverage
by Amanda Michaud, Macro Across the Pond conference (March 2023)

An Evaluation of the Paycheck Protection Program Using Adminstrative  Payroll Microdata
by David Autor, David Cho, Leland Crane, Mita Goldar, Byron Lutz, Joshua Montes, William Peterman, David Ratner, Daniel Villar and Ahu Yildirmaz, 2023 ASSA Annual Meetings (January 2023)

Hours of Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Labor Productivity Measures
by Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia, Drake Palmer and Jay Stewart, 2023 ASSA Annual Meetings (January 2023)

What Moves Treasury Yields?
by Emmanuel Moench and Soroosh Soofi-Siavash, Bank of Canada / FRB San Fransisco macro-finance workshop (May 2021)

Aggregate Implications of Changing Sectoral Trends
by Andrew Foerster, Andreas Hornstein, Pierre-Daniel Sarte and Mark Watson, NBER EFSF fall meeting (October 2019)

TFP, News, and Expectations: The International Transmission of Business Cycles
by Andrei Levchenko and Nitya Pandalai-Nayar, American Economic Association annual meeting (January 2018)

News-Driven Uncertainty Fluctuations
by Dongho Song and Jenny Tang, NBER EFSF fall meeting (October 2017)

Composition, Selection, and Aggregate Wage Growth
by Mary Daly and Bart Hobijn, American Economic Assocation annual meeting (January 2017)

The Costs of Job Displacement over the Business Cycle: Evidence from Germany
by Johannes Schmieder, Till von Wachter and Stefan Bender, Kiel Institute - FRB Richmond labor market conference (October 2014)

Reservation Wages and Wage Flexibility Puzzles
by Felix Koenig, Alan Manning, and Barbara Petrongolo, Kiel Institute - FRB Richmond labor market conference (June 2014)

Variable Labor Effort and Optimal Policy
by  Marteen Dossche, Vivien Lewis and Celine Poilly, Vienna Macro Cafe conference (October 2013)

Macro Dynamics in a Model of Goods, Labor, and Credit Market Frictions
by Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau and Etienne Wasmer, Kiel Institute - FRB Richmond labor market conference (November 2012)

Trend Inflation and Economic Growth in the Presence of Nominal Price Contracts
by Robert Amano and Kevin Moran, Canadian Economic Association annual meeting (June 2008)

The Great Moderation and the U.S. Imbalance
by Alessandra Fogli and Fabrizio Perri, Conference on Business Cycles, International Transmission, and Macroeconomic Policies (October 2007)

Sticky Prices and Sticky Information
by Pete Klenow and Jon Willis, JME conference on Microeconomic Adjustment and Macroeconomic Dynamics (October 2006)

Learning from Unemployment
by Francisco Gonzalez and Shouyong Shi, Canadian Macro Study Group annual meeting (November 2005)

Changes in the Federal Reserve's Inflation Target: Causes and Consequences
by Peter Ireland, Bank of England workshop on Estimated DSGE Models for Monetary Policy Analysis (April 2005)

Do Central Banks Respond to Exchange Rate Movements? A Structural Investigation
by Thomas Lubik and Frank Schorfheide, Southern Economic Association annual conference (November 2004)

Expenditure Switching vs Real Exchange Rate Stabilization
by Mick Devereux and Charles Engel, CIRPÉE conference on Open Macroeconomic Models and Policy Analysis (April 2004)